viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012

Profane and religious beliefs

Profane beliefs 

•    The housewives of Yorkshire used to believe that bread did not rise when there was a dead body in the neighbourhood.
•    On the first day of every month of the year, it is lucky to say "white rabbits, white rabbits white rabbits," before the person utters the first word of the day.
•    If you put your new shoes on the table, it will bring you bad luck.
•    When you see two or three ravens is sign of bad luck; and English people believe if ravens leave the Tower of London, they will lost the crown of England.
•    The bride must not wear her complete wedding clothes and accessories before the day.

Religious beliefs 

The main and official religion of England is Christianity, and it is practiced by the Anglican Church, distributed in more than 150 countries. Every Sunday, more than 1.000.000 people go to the Church of England, being the largest Church of England.
The most important Church is the Church of England, and it is divided in two: York in the North and Canterbury in the South, each one with an Archbishops. 


•    State and Church are always linked and related.
•    The Monarch is the major Governor of the Church, and the   
      Church has the faculty to perform official functions.
•    The Bible is the center of all the Christian thoughts.
•    All the sacraments ordained by Jesus must be obeyed.

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