martes, 30 de octubre de 2012


As the dictionary establishes, psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a given context, and it always has been linked with philosophy and science: It tells us how we act, the way we feel, how we think, individually as in groups.
The British Psychologist Society recognizes several areas of psychology:
·        Clinical Psychology
·        Counseling Psychology
·        Educational Psychology
·        Forensic Psychology
·        Health Psychology
·        Neuropsychology
·        Occupational Psychology
·        Sport and exercise Psychology
·        Teachers and Researches in Psychology
One of the important contributions of English psychology to the world was the Oxford Centre for Functional MRI of the Brain. Also, It contributed with a lot of different areas, such as biology, neurology and experimental psychology. The MRI helps psychology because it allows knowing the place in the brain where the cognitive functions are developed, where the pain is located and how neurodegeneration evolves.  

A new kind of psychology that is leading in the United Kingdom is “The positive psychology”. Created in 1998 by Martin Selignam and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, We believe that a psychology of positive human functioning will arise, which achieves a scientific understanding and effective interventions to build thriving individuals, families, and communities."
Positive psychology does not ignore how people act wrong, the negatives aspects of human beings, but emphasizes the importance to determine how things could go right by using several scientific methods.

Some representatives of the psychology of England:
Tony Attwood
This psychologist is an author of several books about Asperger’s Syndrome. His most famous book is “A Guide for Parents and Professionals”, gives us information about diagnosis, sensory issues, motor control, problem of social interactions and more problems that people with this syndrome has to confront.

Michael Argyle
He was one of the most known psychologists of the twentieth century, due to his investigations about nonverbal communication, the psychology of happiness and the psychology of the religion.

Cyril L. Burt
Sir Cyril Burt was an educational psychologist. He analyzed Charles Spearman data about the performance of schoolchildren in a group of tests. Showing the significant differences of quality between private and public education.

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